тож интересно S80 броня : Generic Unsealed Set Bonuses:
Con-1, Str+1, P. Def +4.6%, MaxHP +418. Darkness Resistance +6
With Shield: Increases probability of Poison and Bleed Prevention
Con-1, Dex+1, Accuracy +1.72, Evasion +1.72, MaxHP +418. Darkness Resistance +6
Int-1, Men+1, Casting Spd. +12%, Maximum MP +257. Darkness Resistance +6
Those are the set bonuses if you wear an unsealed dynasty set without adding the shoulder pad ie if you are not 80 yet or are to lazy to go to mammon to add it
When you are 80 and add the shoulder the set bonuses change to these (shoulder pad is craftable but you dont choose which bonus you get, it is autoapplied depending on your class)
Shield Master
Str-2, Con+2, P. Def +5.4% MaxHP +492. Increase Darkness Resistance +8, M. Def, Sleep Resistance.
Weapon Master
Con-2, Str+2, P. Atk +5.4%, MaxHP +492. Increase Darkness Resistance +8, Critical Damage Chance.
Force Master
Con-2, Str+2, P. Atk +5.4%, MaxHP +492. Increase Darkness Resistance +8, decrease active skill MP consumption
Con-2, Str+2, P. Def +5.4%, MaxHP +492. Increase Darkness Resistance +8, decrease MP consumption for song, dance skill, increase P. Atk.
Shield Bonus Remains the same
Light Armor
Dagger Master
Con-2, Dex+2, Accuracy +4.3, MaxHP +492. Increase Darkness Resistance +8, increase hold resistance, increase atk spd.
Bow Master
Con-2, Dex+2, Evasion +4.3, MaxHP +321. Increase Darkness Resistance +8, increase Atk Spd, increase MP recovery rate.
Force Master
Con-2, Str+2, P. Atk +5.4%, MaxHP +492. Increase Darkness Resistance +8, decrease active skill MP consumption
Weapon Master - Kamael Exclusive
Con-2, Str+2, P. Atk +5.4%, MaxHP +492. Increase Darkness Resistance +8, Critical Damage Chance.
Str-2, Con+2, increase Atk. Spd., MaxHP +492. Increase Darkness Resistance +8, increase P. Atk., P. Def.
Int-2, Men+2, Casting Spd. +15%, Maximum MP +321. Increase Darkness Resistance +8, decrease MP consumption, decrease magic cancel rate.
Int-2, Men+2, Casting Spd. +15%, Maximum MP +321. Increase Darkness Resistance +8, increase amount of heal, increase magic cancel rate.
Int-2, Men+2, Casting Spd. +15%, Maximum MP +321. Increase Darkness Resistance +8, decrease MP consumption, decrease magic cancel rate.
Int-2, Men+2, Casting Spd. +15%, Maximum MP +321. Increase Darkness Resistance +8, increase P. Atk., P. Def.
Int+2, Wit+1, Men-2, Casting Spd. +15%, Maximum MP +321. Increase Darkness Resistance +8, increase stun resistance, increase M. Atk.
FYI Enchanter = SE/PP, Force Master = Gladi/Tyrant, Bard = SWS/BD, Weapon Master = Destro etc
All the kamaels get light - weapon master
Добавлено (16.01.2008, 02:14)
вот нашёл что апелла покупается.... прда за КП и 3КК а(
) и ещё какие-то непонятные штуки)))
вот все сеты))))
http://img266.imageshack.us/my.php?image=shot00015kd5.jpg - хеви
http://img266.imageshack.us/my.php?image=shot00016se4.jpg - лайт
http://img266.imageshack.us/my.php?image=shot00017nk3.jpg - маг ))))))